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- 5 Content Ideas to 10x your engagement on LinkedIn
5 Content Ideas to 10x your engagement on LinkedIn

What's cooking today:
5 Content Ideas to 10x your engagement on LinkedIn
Your free weekly content template
LAST CHANCE: Access The LinkedIn Insiders Database before it goes live to the public

Let’s be honest.
A lot of the content game is learning how to repurpose content you’ve already made that’s done well.
Repurposing is underrated.
Creating new content that goes viral is overrated.
The ideas I’m about to show you all use content I’ve already created.
So think…
You can take 1 piece of content and turn it into 5 pieces of content.
Sound like magic?
It kind of is!
Let’s dive in.
1. Turn Your Twitter Threads Into PDF Uploads
This is something new I started playing with last week.
Find a twitter tread that has done well
Screenshot each tweet separately
Upload each image to Canva
Download the file in Canva as a PDF
Upload the PDF to LinkedIn with a solid opening hook
Canva makes this super easy to do. I freaking love Canva. Couldn’t live without it.
Note: make sure to include the tweet engagement numbers (RTs, Likes, etc.) if the thread did well. This gives your post instant social proof that it’s something people liked.
2. Turn your one-liners into images

I used Canva to create the layout of this image.
The beauty is that I can use this same image layout over and over again. All I have to do is change the text.
3. Screenshot your tweets with good engagement
I use the Twemex extension to make finding my high-engagement tweets easy.
Again, make sure to include engagement number in the screenshot if there was lots of engagement.

4. Upload your Tiktok videos
You can download any TikTok video from your account.
Will Atkin used this strategy to go from 0 - 24k followers in less that 1 year.

5. Create visuals around popular concepts
I use figma for this.
But… you can also use basic shapes in canva to create images around topics that do well.

Your Weekly LinkedIn Content Template
It's cool to <<insert common things that are accepted as cool e.g. "close $1m deal, land Google as a customer, etc.">>
But it's cooler to:
Avoid <<insert something negative e.g. "eliteism
Spend time with <<insert family, friends, in nature etc.>>
Learn <<insert lifelong skill>>
Not <<insert negative thing e.g. "work on weekends>>
Let's stop idolizing <<insert thing mentioned in first line above>>
Let's start <<insert postive thing opposite of the last sentence>>
You will 10x <<insert important thing e.g. ""your career" when you do.
PS - Want access to 8+ additional templates? You can find them all in one place in The LinkedIn Insiders Database.