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  • Why I Don't Enjoy Most Sales Books (And My Recommended Reading List)

Why I Don't Enjoy Most Sales Books (And My Recommended Reading List)

PLUS: A subtle reminder

1. Most are 200+ pages and should actually be a blog post.

2. The strategies last months, a couple of years at most.

3. Sales isn't like physics, it's constantly evolving.

Here’s a list of 4 books that will stick with me forever:

1. The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel

πŸ‘‰ Finished this one yesterday - it will change your perspective on how to handle money

2. The Transparency Sale - Todd Caponi

πŸ‘‰ Because being transparent will win in any environment

3. Copywriting secrets - Jim Edwards

πŸ‘‰ Copywriting is the most underrated business skill

4. Building a Storybrand - Donald A. Miller

πŸ‘‰ Storytelling is a skill you can utilize in any aspect of life.

What am I missing?


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Andrew πŸ€™