🌊Wave #11: Texting, Testing Ideas, The Playa Sequence

By Andrew Mewborn

Hey, once again, you look great today.

Make this a great week. You got this.

Two things:

  1. If you like what you read, respond to this email and let me know why :)

  2. I’ve decided I’m going to start pushing out this newsletter Mon-Fri. Hold me accountable πŸ˜‰

Now, for standard programming.

🌊 SET #1

Texting in prospecting

Read 86 words below.

Is it Ok?

Depends on how you gain access to the prospect's phone number.

Did you provide something of value in exchange for their cell number? If yes, I would say yes.

Is this common in B2B today? No. However, we are seeing this in B2C.

- Exchange of cell phone numbers for discounts

- Number for early access

- Number for entering a giveaway

We need to take the B2C approach and mold it into a B2B approach.

If you have any ideas, would love to hear them.

🌊 SET #2

Don’t overthink it - test out your side hustle idea today

Read 107 words below.

The hardest part is getting started.

You know you can do more. You know that you have more in you.

Here's how to get started with testing out your idea:

- Build a quick website using squarespace or wix.

- Throw $20 at facebook ads/day over the next week.

Give yourself 3 hours to make this happen.

If you get a few people to give you your email, you are onto something.

In Spanish, we say "No hay excusos". I think you get the translation 😜

PS - 12 companies that started as side hustles:

1. Instagram

2. Spanx

3. Twitter

4. Craigslist

5. Under Armour

6. Yankee Candle

7. TheSkimm

8. OculusVR

9. Khan Academy

10. Groupon

11. Udemy

12. Outreach

🌊 SET #3

The Playa Sequence. A Blueprint on how to use LinkedIn in your sequences.

Read 250 words below.

It's really the "LinkedIn Sequence Blueprint" but I wanted to make it more memorable 😜

When we need more pipeline, the answer isn't a sequence.

It's a strategy.

*Supported* by a sequence.

The blueprint I'm about to provide is how to utilize LinkedIn as part of your outbound strategy.

I've been using this build pipeline from LinkedIn and land at the top of the leaderboard every quarter.

My strategy? Cut through the noise of cold email and stand out to prospects.

Now we are deploying this strategy to the entire SDR & AE team.

Here is the sequence format:

Phase 1 - Reps post 1x per week on a particular topic

To make it easy, give the reps (1) a topic to write about and (2) the framework to write a successful post.

Phase 2 - Create the sequence

Step 1: Add prospects on Linkedin

Step 2: Email prospects with a link to your post #1

Step 3: Like + Comment on the latest post of your prospect

Step 4: Tag your prospect in a LinkedIn post that received lots of traction (doesn't have to be your post)

Step 5: Email prospects with a link to your post #2

Step 6: Like + Comment on another of your prospect's post

Step 7: Tag your prospect in a LinkedIn post that received lots of traction (doesn't have to be your post)

And, that's it.

Do you know how many other reps are engaging with prospects on LinkedIn like that? Not many.

This newsletter was created with πŸ’™ by Andrew Mewborn, a solution seller, SaaS enthusiast, and creator of getlimelite.com. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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