🌊Wave #14: 6 sequences AEs should be using

By Andrew Mewborn

Que pasa? Your reminder that you look great today.

Two things:

  1. Portland, Maine is banning the use of facial recognition. Interesting move…

  2. What else do you want to read here? Reply and let me know :)

Now, let’s get to it πŸ‘‡

🌊 SET #1

Inserting Psychology & Storytelling into your Sequences

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Patricia and I recorded an episode on what it really means to implement a sales engagement solution.

The 3 big takeaways you'll get:

1. What's important to measure in your sequences

2. Email pattern disrupters to increase reply rates

3. How to insert Psychology & storytelling into your sequences

πŸ‘‰ You can listen to the podcast recording here.

πŸ‘‰ And Revenue Surfing members get access to the transcript here.

🌊 SET #2

A litmus test for your prospects: Ask about projects

Read 142 words below.

Yes, in discovery it's most necessary to understand the priorities of the person you are speaking to. I've got a whole discovery meeting talk track for you here.

However, you may realize that what your prospect thinks are priorities and what are actually priorities may not align.

Here's a litmus test for you to verify company priorities:

1. Ask what other projects the company is working on right now

2. Then ask why the decision was made to implement those projects

This will help you get into the meat and bones of where the company's head is at. And, it will help you understand whether your deal is real in the near term (or not).

For example, let's say a prospect just started implementing Salesforce. It's unlikely they are going to start implementing your solution that relies on Salesforce...

Do you feel me?

🌊 SET #3

6 sequences every AE should be using

Read 54 words below.

1. The Playa Sequence (see here if you haven't already)

2. Closed/Lost Deal Nurture

3. Top of mind sequence (for mid-cycle deals)

4. Email bump sequence

5. Current customer check-in sequence

6. Executive lunch invite sequence

What am I missing?

P.S. - I'll build these out in the newsletter in the next few days.

This newsletter was created with πŸ’™ by Andrew Mewborn, a solution seller, SaaS enthusiast, and creator of getlimelite.com. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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