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🌊 Wave #17: How to Use a Multi-threading Approach on Linkedin

By Andrew Mewborn

You look great today ☀️

  1. This GIF on Twitter went viral. It made me smile :)

  1. And, if you don’t understand the GIF above… It relates to this meme that’s been going around the internet in 2020.

Now, let’s get to 3 pieces of value for you today 👇👇👇

🌊 SET #1

What’s your LinkedIn Prospecting Playbook?

Read 67 words below.

Very few organizations have a LinkedIn prospecting playbook.

Here are the inputs to consider:

1. Adding prospects on LinkedIn

2. Reps posting 1x per week on industry insights

3. Adding value via DMs (no pitching)

4. Sharing best practices across the team

5. Getting creative with #'s 1-4 above

I created a sequence for your team to leverage LinkedIn:

The Playa Sequence. 

🌊 SET #2

Social selling is a team effort

Read 51 words below.

Last month I passed 9 leads to other reps.

Do I wish they were mine? Hell f***kin yeah.

But, social selling is a team sport.

Imagine the compound effect of your entire team getting active on Linkedin.

The organizations that go all-in on it will win Outbound in 2021.


🌊 SET #3

How to Use a Multi-threading Approach on Linkedin

Read 155 words below.

Your bigger deals ain’t going to get done without it. I can give you some fluffy stats on how X percent of successful deals involve 8, 9, or a hundred people.

But, let’s not go there. (If you want to dive in, check out this article).

Instead, do this exercise:

Think about your own organization when someone is trying to sell a product to your team. Does one AE get that done alone?

No? Exactly.

Jake Dunlap and I did an entire podcast episode on this topic. Listen here.

Now, you may not listen to the podcast… 😂 So here’s a summary of the action items you can take to start multi-threading on LinkedIn today:

This newsletter was created with 💙 by Andrew Mewborn, a solution seller, SaaS enthusiast, and creator of getlimelite.com. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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