๐ŸŒŠ Wave #20: Establish a Critical Event in Your Deal

By Andrew Mewborn

Buenos dias from Mehico. You look great today (as usual).

  1. Alibaba said its Singles Day sales topped $74 billion, a new record. Thatโ€™s alotta billions.

  2. You wonโ€™t believe this golf shot VIDEO

Nowโ€™s letโ€™s paddle out ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ„โ€โ™€๏ธ


Want to close deals faster? Establish a critical event.

Read 183 words below.

Critical event = an event that drives a decision.

Here are some examples:

  • "Our contact with Competitor X is up by December 31st."

  • "We need something in place before our next cohort of new hires"

  • "Our implementation of XYZ product is finished on Jan 3 - we need something shortly after that"

You get the point :)

+ Big picture: It's important to establish a critical event early. The earlier you know the critical event, the sooner you can plan the next steps to win the bacon.

Now, here are 2 questions to can to establish a critical event

1. When do you need this service to be live by? โ€ฆand what happens if you miss that date?

2. In case you have this live by (date) to get this (impact) or otherwise you (consequence) โ€ฆ how can we help you avoid that?

Now, my friend. Notice how we didn't only establish a critical event. We also performed a litmus test to understand whether the critical event is real by asking "...and what happens if you miss that date?". THE BIG PHAT CONSEQUENCES.


What to use in your sales process to differentiate (HINT: itโ€™s not features)

Read 141 words below.

Want to differentiate without having to talk about product features?

Differentiate with your post-sales process.

Tell your prospects how you've created an optimization plan for them post-sale.

We have to remember that buyers are looking for transformation. Not a product.

And if you are working with a smart buyer, they'll understand one implementation is never the answer.

So, sell the optimization plan (i.e. how you plan to ensure you optimize the solution over the next 6-12 months for their business).

Two things you can do today:

1. Bring in Customer Success Leadership to discuss the post-sale process early in your deal.

2. When they ask about differentiation, have a talk track ready about how you have a leading post-sales process.

And remember, no buyer cares about your latest award. They care about themselves and how you are going to help them.


What to do when your prospect goes dark

Read 148 words below.

Use this template ๐Ÿ‘‡

Subject: We spoke on

Hey ,

I tried to get in touch with you regarding your initial interest in Outreach.io but could not reach you. When someone like you requests a meeting with us, they usually have questions like:

Please let me know if I can answer these or others. Iโ€™m here to help.


P.S. Here is a link to a video on how we help organizations in your industry. Itโ€™s about 2.5 minutes, but if you go to 0:30 on the timer and watch for about 1 minute, you should get a quick understanding.

This newsletter was created with ๐Ÿ’™ by Andrew Mewborn, a solution seller, SaaS enthusiast, and creator of getlimelite.com. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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