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  • 🌊 Wave #5: Secret app release, building a course, The Breadcrumb Method 😡

🌊 Wave #5: Secret app release, building a course, The Breadcrumb Method 😡

Hello, I’m Andrew and welcome to my weekly newsletter. Each week I humbly tackle trends about sales, marketing, startups, and anything else that help you and your team need to drive more revenue.

If you’re not following me on LinkedIn, here’s a few things you missed:

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An insider's look to the release of the Limelite Chrome extension.

Limelite was an app I started to build last year and released it on the Mac app store.

A ton of people were asking when it would be released for Windows.... so we went ahead and built a chrome extension that everyone can use.

Want to check it out?

Reply to this email and I'll shoot you a link before it goes live on Wednesday 09/23.

And now, to standard programing.

🌊 High Tide

How do we truly measure a "great" rep?

There are so many skills that Account Executives need to posses today:

- Copywriting

- Positioning

- Buyer psychology

- Empathy

- Basic marketing

- How to build consensus

- How to leverage marketing

- Multi-threading deals

- Active Listening

We can look at close-rates, SAL rates, XYZ rates but is the playing field truly equal to measure one against another?

The go-to method has been territory-based named account assignments, looking at quota attainment, and saying that those with the highest number win.

But, does a rep selling software within the North Dakota region stand a chance against someone with New York or San Francisco?

I'm not sure what the solution is, but we have to start looking at reps as more than just a number.

🌊 Mid - Tide

Building a course is a ton of work.

Annie (my fiance) and I have been building a course on software sales for the past few weeks.

We always have friends and reps calling us up on how to handle certain scenarios, so thought we'd put build something together as a couple for you. For new sales reps. For SDRs. For those that want a career in software sales!

We started thinking it was easy and boy we we wrong.

Here's some examples on what we are including in the 15ish module course:

- How to work with procurement

- How to do discovery

- Multi-threading deals

- Managing your opportunities

The list goes on and on and can't wait to put it out there. Let's just say the Netflix binging has been non-existent lately!

When creating this course so far we've had to thinking about:

- Writing the script for the course

- Planning our what sections of the course we should write

- Filming the course

- Building out the website for the course

- Promoting the course

If you have any other courses that you like, let me know and would love to see some inspiration.

🌊 Low tide

ABB: Always. Be. Bread-crumbing.

Steal This Outbound Method To Cut Through The Noise:

1. Create a 1-step sequence/cadence to add prospects to LinkedIn 2. Add 50 prospects from 10 target accounts to the sequence 3. Connect with 50 prospects per day 4. Post on LinkedIn 1x/day 5. When someone from a target account likes/comments your post, reach out via LinkedIn.


Over the past 6 weeks, I've used it to book 10 of my own meetings with prospects.

Don't believe me though, go try it!

Click on the image or HERE to see the video.

🌊 Trending Outbound Methods

1. Send execs a sword with a note engraved (Stu Heinecke brought this up in a course my mentor Jamal was hosting)

2. Stu Heinecke has cards with comics made especially for sales reps to send out

3. Executive lunch plays (i.e. asking your exec prospects if they'd like to grab lunch with one of your execs)

As you can see the two trends I'm seeing in the marketing right now are (1) direct mail and (2) leveraging your executives.


If you'd like more of the SaaS revenue secrets like this in your inbox, I'd really appreciate it if you joined the email list. If you're feeling generous, perhaps show some love on LinkedIn with a πŸ‘ and comment on this post. 

With much love and abrazos from Mexico,

- Andrew

Now, time for tacos.