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🌊 Wave #8: How to read a 10k, $0 Marketing Campaign, Pixar Storytelling Framework

by Andrew Mewborn


How to read a 10k

Read 136 words below.

Jamal Raimer has closed over $160 million in Saas sales.

We recorded a video podcast last week on how to leverage a 10k in sales deals.

Here's what we came up in our Podcast working session:

The four main sections of every 10K that you should focus on

1. Business

2. Risk

3. Management analysis

4. Financial statements

Key things to look for:

- Company strategy

- Killer risks

- Recent performance

- Change in management

- Discussion of competition

- Declining performance numbers

- New Initiatives

- Compelling Events

How To Use A 10K In Your Sales Process

- Refer to executive comments

- Compare performance to competitors, especially their competitors who are your customers

- Identify company lingo, especially names of projects and initiatives

- Identify pain/intelligent conversations starters

I'll share the transcript of the recording with you all once I receive it from marketing :)


The best $0 marketing campaign you can start doing now

Read 75 words below.

If I got hired to be a CRO at a B2B SaaS company...this is what I'd do for a quick win:

1) Incentivize reps to post relevant content 1x/day on Linkedin.

That's it.

- It's $0 of marketing budget - Guarantee 1000s of views per post. - The organic reach is insane with only ~1% of people on Linkedin posting - 100% chance of opening up a new way of building pipeline.

What would be your quick win?


How to tell a story the way Pixar movies do

Read 149 words below.

Use the formula described in the book "Building a Storybrand".

Here's the 7-step framework:

1) Define a character

2) Who has a problem

3) And meets a guide

4) Who gives them a plan

5) And calls them to action

6) That helps them avoid failure

7) And ends in success

Any Pixar movie you've ever seen follows this formula.

Yet, It's pretty much "The Hero's Journey" re-branded.

And, a few big takeaways in how to relate this to your brand:

- You are never the hero. Your customer is the hero. You are the guide. Customers' don't want another hero.

- In a great story, the main character always experiences 3 types of problems. Internal, external, and philosophical.

- Your brand's story helps create a clear message. A clear message helps you differentiate from the competition.

I recommend grabbing the kindle version and taking a weekend to get through this one.

This newsletter was created with 💙 by Andrew Mewborn, a solution seller, SaaS enthusiast, and creator of getlimelite.com. Connect with him on LinkedIn.