5 Lessons From The Psychology Of Money

Good morning to everyone except the people who put olives on Pizza ☠️

"#1 Newsletter of the Year" 🏆️ -Andy’s Wife


Substack Gets An Attention Span Makeover

Amigos, welcome to the latest edition of our GTM newsletter! Boy, have I got some news for you!

  • You know that platform we all know and love, Substack? Yeah, the one that got us all excited about reading super-long articles again? Well, guess what? They've decided they've had enough of that intellectual stuff too.

  • Introducing Substack Notes! Because why read a 3,000-word article when you can express yourself in a GIF?

That's right, folks, Substack is basically turning into Twitter's sophisticated cousin. You know, the one that shows up to the family gathering in a suit and tie but still manages to spill wine on the carpet? Yeah, that's our Substack now.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of sales and marketing, I think of short, punchy messages. So, I guess Substack Notes is actually a gift for us! Who has time to read those long articles when we're out there making deals and hustling?

But, let me tell you a story. One time, I was trying to close a deal, and the prospect asked me to send them a detailed proposal.

  • So, I sent them a Substack article on our new strategy.

  • They got back to me saying, "I thought you were joking, but you really sent me a novel!"

  • Long story short, they didn't sign the deal. But hey, at least they got a free subscription to my Substack, right?

So, let's raise a glass to Substack Notes, the platform that's finally caught up with our short attention spans! Now we can share our sales triumphs, marketing memes, and inspirational quotes in a format that's just as fast-paced as our lives.

And, as a tribute to this glorious new feature, I'll keep this introduction short and sweet. Stay tuned for more sales and marketing tips, insights, and, of course, a dash of humor. Don't forget to share your favorite memes with us, because who needs long-reads when you have GIFs? Cheers!


I have good news and some bad news

I have some news for you that I think you will be interested in hearing…

There’s both good and bad news…

… And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, so let me tell you the good news first.

The good news is we are hosting a LinkedIn Masterclass on Thursday.

That means you will be able to:

  • Learn my foolproof process for consistently creating content on LinkedIn, even when you feel like you're running out of ideas.

  • Learn how to turn your LinkedIn audience into a never-ending stream of opportunities.

  • Learn my proven system to become proficient in setting meetings, building pipeline, and closing revenue via social platforms.

I have been so excited to tell you about it for so long…

And I hope you are as excited about this news as I am!


Unfortunately, I have some bad news too…

The bad news is the Masterclass is tomorrow (yes, so soon!).

That means you have to sign up like now.

Join us here → go.brand30.io

See you there?

💀 Issue #100-and-something 💀

5 Lessons From The Psychology Of Money:

Ever heard of the janitor that had $8 million in savings when he died in 2014?

He didn't win the lottery or inherit the money.

In a short book, Morgan Housel describes why your behavior with money is more important than your intelligence.

Here are my top 5 takeaways:


Stock market investing doesn't come for free.

It comes with volatility and that's the price you pay.

Even Netflix fell 80% in 2011

If you don't have the stomach to handle volatility, don't aim to maximize returns.


Capitalism creates wealth + envy.

And, social comparison makes us feel like we never have enough.

There is always someone wealthier, causing people to do foolish things.

Accept when enough is enough.


People come from different

• Experiences,

• Backgrounds,

• Childhoods,

• Education.

This adds up to different perspectives and values.

What makes sense to YOU doesn't mean it will make sense to ME.

By acknowledging that we are different, we become less tempted to copying an investment that doesn't suit our own goals.

For example:

• Copying a billionaire's portfolio.

• The Gamestop Craze.

• Investing in Crypto.

Do what's best for you and your goals.


WWII, Covid, The Great Depression, and The Financial Crisis were all unforeseen events.

They shaped our society but were impossible to predict.

It's more useful to be prepared mentally and financially for a disaster you cannot foresee, than hoping that you are able to react before everyone else.

Stop listening to macro projections, events that cause big fear are unlikely to be foreseen anyways.


The pessimistic person sounds intelligent.

The optimist sounds naive.

We tend to listen to pessimists more carefully for evolutionary reasons, but also because progress happens much slower than setbacks.

Setbacks can happen overnight, so it's easier to create a story (+ ATTENTION) around them.

Morgan says that the 2008 financial crisis was caused by a powerful narrative.

Thus, be careful when taking investment advice as pessimism appeals more to survival instinct than optimism

How to become rich by just behaving the right way, 101

• Remember that investing comes with a price

• Different Perspectives = Different Actions

• Being Prepared > Market Timing

• Accept when enough is enough

• Be care of the pessimists

Big picture: Behavior > Intelligence


  • Claap 2.0: Screen recording, meeting recording, video wiki, one place (link)

  • AI Studio: Virtual photo studio for any two people in any scene (link)

  • Pod: The AI sales copilot to win more deals (link)

What’s inside?

🍪 DEADLY DELIGHTS (free resource)

Check out who is still hiring today ☞ StillHiring.Today

That’s a wrap for today amigos. Eat your tacos and see you tomorrow! If you want more, be sure to follow me on Twitter (@andymewborn) or LinkedIn.

What did you think of today’s edition? (anonymous)


I had to google “fuego” and I must say this is mucho mucho fuego newsletter