7 soft skills to accelerate your career (for reals):

Good morning to everyone except the people that cancel the meeting 5 minutes after it has already started ☠️

"#1 Newsletter of the Year" 🏆️ -Andy’s Wife


Lab-Grown Diamonds: Saving the Planet One Proposal at a Time – Love Just Got a Whole Lot Greener!

Ladies and gentlemen, I've got some breaking news for all you sales and marketing gurus out there! You might want to sit down for this one. Turns out, the number of engagement rings sold with manufactured diamonds has skyrocketed by 63% compared to last year! Now, that's what I call a "rock" solid trend!

But you know what? I think I've figured out the secret to this success. It's all about marketing, baby! I mean, who wouldn't want a diamond that's been meticulously engineered in a lab, right? They're like the Tesla of the diamond world – sleek, shiny, and eco-friendly!

And hey, for all you sales & marketing professionals out there, it's time to rejoice! Because now, you don't have to feel guilty about proposing to your significant other with a lab-grown diamond. It's the perfect excuse, really. "Honey, it's not that I'm cheap, I'm just environmentally conscious!"



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The next cohort starts April 17th: secure your spot here.

💀 Issue #110 💀

7 soft skills to accelerate your career (for reals):

1. Learn how to manage up.

You've been working hard, but it doesn't seem to be enough.

Learn how to manage up and take your career to the next level.

This means learning how to communicate with your boss and understanding their goals and priorities.

2. Have a beginner's mindset.

You need to be open to new ideas and change if you want to stay ahead of the curve.

This means approaching new challenges with excitement and a willingness to learn.

It also means being open to change and willing to adapt as needed.

3. Build a personal brand internally.

Your personal brand is what sets you apart from your colleagues.

It's the way you present yourself and your work to others.

And it's something that you can control.

Start by building a strong personal brand internally.

4. Say yes to new opportunities.

Saying yes to new opportunities is a great way to accelerate your career.

This means being open to new challenges and taking on more responsibility.

It also means expanding your skillset and learning new things.

5. Be a self-starter.

The best way to get ahead in your career is to be a self-starter.

This means taking initiative and being proactive.

It also means being willing to put in the extra work to get ahead.

6. Be a team player.

No one can succeed on their own.

You need to be a team player if you want to be successful.

This means being a good communicator and working well with others.

It also means being able to compromise and cooperate when needed.

7. Have a positive attitude.

Your attitude can make or break your career.

A positive attitude = you'll be more likely to succeed.

This means being enthusiastic and optimistic.

It also means being able to bounce back from setbacks and view challenges as opportunities.

Let's recap:

1. Manage up.

2. Have a beginner's mindset.

3. Internal personal brand.

4. Say yes to new opps

5. Be a self-starter

6. Be a team player

7. Have a positive attitude

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🍪 DEADLY DELIGHTS (free resource)

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That’s a wrap for today amigos. Eat your tacos and see you tomorrow! If you want more, be sure to follow me on Twitter (@andymewborn) or LinkedIn.

What did you think of today’s edition? (anonymous)


Your name is no longer Andy. Your name is now Mr. Fuego 🔥

lol gracias