Stop guessing if prospects read your content

"I spent 12 minutes reading before booking..." - Actual prospect feedback

Remember yesterday when we showed you how to create microsites in 27 seconds?

Today, we're revealing something even more powerful...

The Secret Weapon: Engagement Tracking

Here's a story from one of our beta users that changed everything:

Josh had been trying to close a $660K deal for months. The prospect kept saying "maybe later."

So he tried something different...

Instead of another follow-up email, he created a LeadPage with:

  • Custom ROI calculations

  • New case studies

  • Product updates

Then something magical happened...

He could see exactly how her prospect engaged with the content:

  • 4 minutes on the ROI section

  • 6 minutes reading case studies

  • 2 minutes reviewing features

When the prospect hit that ROI section for the second time... 💥 

BAM! A calendar popup appeared.

Meeting booked. Deal closed.

This isn't luck. It's science.

LeadPages shows you:

  • Which sections prospects care about most

  • How long they spend on each part

  • When they're most engaged

  • If they share it with others

Tomorrow, we'll show you our top 5 strategies for using these insights to close more deals.

Chat soon,


PS... Only 2 days until launch! Join the waitlist here.